The influence of acid rain on vascular and non-vascular plants
necessary equipment:
- 2 measuring cups
- 1 vascular plant (fern, seed plant or similar)
- 1 non-vascular plant (moss, liverworts, hornworts or similar)
- 2 shallow bowls or pots to hold the plants
- ph test strips
- ½ liter of fresh water
- small bottle of vinegar
- safety goggles
- latex gloves
- (if possible) lab coats
safety measures:
- wear goggles at all times
- wear latex gloves when handling materials
- measure the ph-value of both plants using the test strips and note the value in the first column
- take a picture of both plants
- divide the fresh water equally into both measuring cups
- mix a small amount of vinegar in both measuring cups, make sure to use the exact same amount both times
- measure the ph-value in both cups and note the value in the second column
- water each plant with the same amount of the prepared ‘acid rain’
- wait 20 minutes
- measure the ph-value of both plants using the test strips and note the value in the third column
- take a new picture of both plants from the same angle as the first time
- compare the first and third column and compare the first and second picture of both plants
- form conclusion